News – September 29, 2023

Cover October 1, 2023
Dear Friends and Members,

This Sunday we launch our capital campaign, Renew, Rebuild, Rejoice! It is the congregation’s first major capital campaign since the late 1990s and it comes at an exciting time in the life of our religious community. In recent months, in-person attendance has rebounded. Some Sundays we have had almost 350 people in the building with close to another 300 joining us online. When I have asked people to describe their experience of First Unitarian Universalist right now they often use words like “vibrant” and “thriving.” This is particularly true of new members and visitors!

We are holding the campaign now to ensure that First Unitarian Universalist continues to thrive into the future. The updates, reconfigurations, and improvements that the campaign will enable us to do will make our campus more functional, greener, and more appealing for all of the many people who have found us in recent months. It will help widen love’s circle by creating an even more inviting atmosphere for religious seekers, young families, justice makers, and all who wish to join us in the quest for the Beloved Community.

I hope that you will join me in supporting this campaign. The goal of $2.4 million is lofty but I am confident that we can make it and, in doing so, continue to be a place for joy, justice, and spiritual depth and exploration for generations to come.



Where are the Ministers this month?

Dr. Bossen
will be in the pulpit kicking off the Capital Campaign on October 1, and “Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery” on October 8. October 15 will be his Lives of the Spirit sermon, focusing on the Texas-born queer scholar and spiritual activist Gloria Anzaldúa. He will be on study leave from October 16 – 21. He will be here to attend the service with Omowale Luthuli-Allen preaching. He will then return to join Dr. Rocke on the chancel October 29 for the All Soul’s Service.  

Rev. Scott
will be joining Dr. Bossen on the chancel most weeks. On October 15, at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary, he will be celebrating his Affirmation of Ministry. He hopes you can come celebrate with him.