Justice Coordinating Council
Organizing the talents and voices of our congregation to advocate for policies and practices at all levels of government and society that will positively impact the worth and dignity of people and our planet.
Harnessing Love's Power to Stop Oppression
Side with Love a public advocacy campaign of the UUA, seeks to harness love's power to stop oppression. Subscribe to their Newsletter for action updates on Climate Justice, Democracy & Voting Rights, Public Safety, and LGBTQ+ & Gender Justice.
Make Your Voice Heard
The 89th biennial Texas Legislature is in session. Help Legislators Get the Message: It's Time to Fix the Texas Abortion Ban. Texans don’t have to agree on every abortion question to know that pregnant patients deserve the best care, and doctors deserve respect. Texas legislators should fix Texas’ abortion laws to reflect our shared Texas values. Sign a postcard Sunday at JCC table between services or online at Texas Impact.org.
Guided by Unitarian Universalist principles, TXUUJM educates & organizes member congregations, and partners of sympathetic organizations to advocate effectively for public policies in Texas that:
- Uphold the worth and dignity of every person;
- Further justice, equity, and compassion in human relations;
- Ensure the use of the democratic process;
- Protect religious freedom; and,
- Promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence.