Shared Offering Opportunities

shared offering opportunities

The Vision of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston (First Church) is “A spiritual community for all; advancing justice and embracing diversity with love and acceptance”. To that end, First Church provides funds from weekly shared offerings to qualifying organizations that provide programs and services in the greater Houston area that reflect UU values and principles. A majority of organizations receiving shared offering funds are predominately in Harris and Ft. Bend counties. However, we also support programs that are regional, national and international. 

Since the latter half of 2016, the Shared Offering collection has raised more than $86,000 supporting more than two dozen community service and social justice organizations to date.

Funds collected are shared in an equal split and range generally between $600 to $1200 (average is $846) to the organization. Typical recipients have been civil rights organizations, LGBTQ advocacy groups, immigrant and refugee rights, direct service providers, food and emergency aid coalitions, disaster relief, environmental advocates, equal rights and justice organizations, and homeless advocates.

Organizations desiring to receive these funds must complete an application (attached) and provide sufficient information to insure that the organization meets UU values and principles. A report of the disbursement of funds received would also be expected within 3 months after funds are received. 

For information and follow-up, please contact Tawanna at 713-526-5200 or via email at

If your organization is interested in partnering with us to raise funds via our regular Shared Offering, please complete our application (also linked at right) and return to 

Click here for Application