First Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry

The First Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry

Doing our part to work for the animals

1. Fostering Harmonious Coexistence with Wildlife

  • Facilitate programs and initiatives that promote understanding and cooperation between the Houston community and wildlife, fostering peaceful coexistence in our urban environment.

2. Advocating for Animal Rights

  • Engage in active advocacy efforts to champion the rights of all animals, whether they are cherished pets or animals in farms, working towards a more compassionate and just treatment for every living being.

3. Combating Pet Homelessness

  • Implement comprehensive strategies to address and reduce pet homelessness in Houston, focusing on education, responsible pet ownership, and collaborative efforts with local shelters and communities.

    To Join the Team, Email or click here and select "Join us"

Pet Emergency Preparedness Workshop Video

On Saturday July 20th, over 50 people came to First UU Church to learn about how to prepare for emergencies with their pets. Animal Enforcement Officer, Michelle Hurtado, gave us many tips on what we can do now to help keep our pets safe during emergencies. Check out the video here and don't forget to subscribe the the First UUAM YouTube channel: