Capital Campaign 2023

Canvass progress charts nov 16

Widening Love's Circle

UU protest city hall

Mission of First UU Houston
Located in Houston's Museum District, the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston commits to being a growing multicultural, multigenerational, and multiracial congregation in the city's diverse urban center.

We widen love's circle by honoring the inherent worth and dignity of all, advancing justice and religious pluralism, and inspiring an ever-deepening spirituality.

In the coming years, we shall serve as a pillar congregation for Houstonians of many faiths and build the Beloved Community by:

  • Providing religious leadership and collective action devoted to ecological, social, and racial justice;
  • Increasing the opportunities for transformative spiritual growth for members and seekers;    
  • Serving as responsible stewards through a commitment of our time, talent, and treasure; and   
  • Expanding and deepening our intergenerational community.

Living our Mission

RTH project photo 2022

Renew, Rebuild, Rejoice!
Our building renovation will help us better live out our mission.

Ecological Responsibility:

Solar panels, energy-efficient kitchen upgrades, windows, lighting, HVAC, and bike racks

Racial Justice

Seeking out minority-owned and local contractors whenever possible, involving Third Ward artists to provide artwork for our campus, and increasing opportunities for transformative spiritual growth

Social Responsibility

Upgraded technology for greater in-reach and outreach, improving building accessibility, and installing water stations outside for passers-by

Delivering Great Programs

We will improve our ability to develop and deliver programs

Education and Transformation:

Upgraded classrooms, new spaces for teaching and learning, technological improvements, enhanced outreach to wider community through both programs and curb appeal

Expanding and deepening intergenerational community

Reconfiguring and adding more classrooms for the daycare center, improving our ADA accessibility, upgrading our sound and A/V system and technology for easier online accessibility of worship and programming

We are stewards of our spiritual home

We inherited our building from our predecessors and it's our turn to step up for now and future generations. Improvements will help increase both our member and wider community enjoyment and use of our space, and increase rental income

Please take the online survey about the building project if you have not yet had a chance to do so. Your feedback is important and will be used to prioritize various components of the renewal and upgrades to our congregation’s home.


P.D. Wadler

Sheryl Abrahams

Jon Naylor

Rita Saylors and Thorpe Butler

Joe Lach and Ruth Hoffman-Lach

Click here to see the Gifts Table

This gifts table is based on a typical distribution of gifts for our size capital at a Unitarian Universalist congregation, as well as the Financial Feasibility Study. We need gifts at all levels and have already received the top anchor gift! We stand on the shoulders of those who built our home; now it is our turn to renew and rebuild for ourselves, for the wider community and for the future!