News – August 19, 2022

August 21, 2022 - cover2

Dear Members & Friends,

      Unlike New England and other parts of the country, we don’t have the turning of the leaves to alert us to a return to school, day-to-day routines, and regular church attendance. Our cooler days simply mean no more triple-digit temperatures. But our calendars are there to remind us. The Ingathering service is our traditional return to church.

      Sunday we will celebrate both Ingathering and the Water Communion. I’m especially excited, because usually the Assistant Minister doesn’t get to lead worship on days like Christmas, Easter, and Ingathering. But Colin remains on sabbatical and so it falls to me this year! And several other exciting events are happening that day to help us kick off the church year. If you’ve not yet enjoyed the Welcome Back video, featuring cameos by some of your favorite UUs, check it out here. You will want to make a special effort to be here!

      It’s an intergenerational service, and we’ll also be doing a Blessing of the Backpacks for students. So remember not only your water for the Water Communion, but your backpacks!

      After each service, Jordan Ostrum, our Voting Justice Organizer, and the Justice Coordinating Council will be inviting congregants to join them in writing postcards to encourage voters to cast their ballots this election.

      While I’m looking ahead to the exciting start of the church year, I need to remind you what an amazing few weeks it has been. This past Sunday, former First Church Director of Music Jason Oby not only gave a heartfelt and moving sermon, but sang beautifully. See what he said here. The week before, nationally-recognized minister Bishop Carlton Pearson was our very special guest preacher. To see it again, click here.

      We’ve had several congregants test positive for COVID-19 lately, but people seem to be recovering quickly, thanks to their having been vaccinated and boosted. Please continue to take care of yourselves and others, be mindful of your health, and be blessed.

Rev. D. Scott Cooper
Assistant Minister of Congregational Life
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston


Where are the Ministers this August?


      Rev. Colin remains on sabbatical, researching his book and enjoying England. You can follow along on his adventures via his blog. He’ll be back in the pulpit on September 11.

Rev. Scott will be in the pulpit these next two Sundays, then will join Dr. Rocke on the chancel when she leads worship on September 4th.