Dear First UU Families,
We want you to know we are thinking about you during this time of transition. We feel deep love and care for all you have gone through during these pandemic times and are excited to be taking steps to provide in-person church offerings that help your family thrive.
This summer, we invite families to come with their children to Sunday services, as you will be able to stay in your pod, wearing masks, staying socially distanced and therefore safe. Also, we will have nursery care available, with a room for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. And we will have childcare and religious education programming for elementary aged children. For safety, space is limited. We request that you let us know-if at all possible- that you want one of the childcare spots reserving a space for the dates in July 11-Aug 15. Here is the link to make a reservation:
And for these summer dates, children and teens older than elementary age are encouraged to participate in the Sunday service with their parents. We will have some Sunday morning groups and/or other in-person meet ups for the older groups. Watch your email for these opportunities.
Our staff and Sunday volunteer leaders and staff are required to be vaccinated, but our Sunday service participants are not required to have a vaccination. And children, older than age 2 are to wear masks.
On August 22, we invite you to join us for our multi-generational service, Water Communion. Your family is invited, along with the whole congregation, to bring some water that has special meaning to you for this special annual service.
Our planned Fall Religious Education (RE) start date is August 29 when we will have our full Fall programming with our regular groups for children and teens in person. Please let Carol know if you are interested in supporting our program by volunteering to co-lead one of our children’s religious education small groups.
Please let us hear from you. Write me at to let me know what you are thinking and planning for returning to church AND please reserve a spot for childcare if you plan to return with your children before August 22nd.
Carol Burrus
Director of Religious Community