News – October 21, 2022
Dear Members & Friends,
I hope you are enjoying the fall weather. It is my favorite time of the year, even with what little chill we get in Houston. Just knowing we will have fewer hot days for the next few months makes me feel happy. And there’s our annual Pumpkin Carving and All Soul’s Service on October 30th, that I look forward to every year.The Fall is full to bursting with possibilities of ways to connect with others and ways to make a difference in the world. Just see the list of wonderful possibilities in this newsletter.
I want to draw your attention to several upcoming opportunities for you to live out your Unitarian Universalist values, particularly the 5th Unitarian Universalist Principle of Democracy. As part of our UU the Vote initiative, we are seeking to increase voter participation both inside of our congregation and within the Third Ward, one of Houston's most historic Black neighborhoods.
First, we invite you to block-walk with Rev. Colin on Saturday, October 22 at 10:00 AM. We will meet at First UU Houston to get trained (no experience required!), and then we will head down to Precinct 20, a precinct with low voter turnout.
Second, if you cannot make it this Saturday for block walking, you have a couple of other possibilities to be involved with supporting the upcoming election: Phone banking from your home on Monday, Oct 24, 5:30 PM, or joining us for another block walk on October 30, 1:00 PM right after our second service. Please use this form to sign up for block-walking and phone-banking.
Third, we have an aspirational goal for 100% of our members to vote in this election, and by taking two minutes to fill out this form, you are helping us to track our progress! So, if you haven't already done so, please join me in filling out our Voting Justice 2022 Form.
Happy Fall! See you at church on Sunday!
Carol Burrus
Director of Religious Community
Where are the Ministers?
Dr. Bossen will be preaching on October 23rd and 30th.
Rev. Scott will be joining Dr. Bossen on the chancel on October 30th. He will be in Abilene for Conrad’s college homecoming on October 23.