News – July 22 2022

Dear First UU Community,

      I hope you are doing well this summer! Risking a horrible understatement… it’s hot here in Houston, so if you are here in the city, I hope you are finding ways to stay cool. I try to get outside in the morning hours.  Before 9:00 AM, I actually enjoy being on my bike and taking care of the garden, giving me my desperate need to be outdoors some each day. There are also sprinklers, ice cubes carefully placed on top of the head and the shade of trees which sometimes help as the day gets hotter, as well as museums, libraries and cafes that don’t mind folks hanging out. You can also come to (air-conditioned) church, where you can see your friends, be inspired and feel the love of your community!

      This Sunday, as part of our July series on Reimagining Democracy, I’ll lead multigenerational worship looking at common indigenous worldviews that connect with the ideals of a healthy democracy.  Families can come together to experience something for all: songs, drawing, reflecting, and yoga, in addition to readings, a homily, and our other regular rituals.

      All summer, we continue to have worship services at 9:30 and 11:30 and an all-ages Religious Education program at 11:30 for children and youth. On August 21st, we will have our Ingathering Sunday with our annual Water Communion. We invite you to collect some water from your travels or your home adventures to bring to Water Communion, symbolizing our shared connections and celebrating the beginning of our church year.

We hope to see you on a Sunday soon. 

Much love,

Carol Burrus

Director of Religious Community


Where are the Ministers in July?


      Rev. Colin remains on sabbatical, researching his book and enjoying England. You can follow along on his adventures via his blog. He’ll be back in the pulpit on September 11.