News – July 14, 2023

Cover July 16, 2023

Dear Members and Friends:

Last month Carol Burrus introduced the Adult Programs Steering Team, a group working on opportunities for spiritual and intellectual growth, to create new understanding and meaning for life’s challenges, and enrich our community. Learning is essential to humanity. When engaged in learning, either individually or with others, we gain new skills, knowledge, deepen our understanding of the world around us, and embed shared values across our community.

One of the rich discussions underway this summer is the “Mistakes and Miracles” Book Group. This publication from the UUA explores the stories, experiences, mis-steps, and successes of five congregations learning their way to multiculturism. As we read about and hear from participant’s moments of tears, joy, laughter, sadness, frustration, or new awareness, we are learning how to build ‘beloved community.’ We encourage you to add it to your summer reading list!

As the Fall Schedule continues to develop, there will be even more opportunities for learning and spiritual development. The ministers will offer Lives of the Spirit, a monthly exploration of the lives and teachings of some of the great religious leaders of the last century. A monthly covenant group will deepen the exploration of those lives and how their wisdom impacts our lived experience. Also, watch for a 4-week Introduction to Judaism lead by Rabbi Scott Hausman-Weiss in October.

Starting in September, the Adult Programs Team will facilitate a Sunday discussion group twice a month, between services, called “Readings and Coffee.” It will offer time to reflect on sermon topics and readings, and share with others the questions, thoughts, and insights held in those offerings. Another offering will explore microaggressions – those subtle, often unintentional, expressions of prejudice. Expanding our awareness within the loving embrace of this community breathes life into our covenant.

We are fortunate to have this vibrant community that actively wants to learn, and have fun, together. Whether it is discussion or book groups, vegan potlucks, games night, parents’, women’s, and yoga groups, there is a place for you to seek truth, dwell in peace, and be encouraged by one another. If you have a special topic or know of an expert you would like to present at First UU-Houston, drop an email to Joyful learning always!

Dianne Reece