News – May 17, 2024

Cover May 19, 2024
Dear Members and Friends,

It has been over a year since my last message to you via this newsletter. It is only through the unfortunate illness of my colleague that I have been given this opportunity. The congregation here at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston continues to amaze me since my first day walking through the purple gates. I have seen you all come together to support the annual stewardship campaigns and I look forward to seeing you all this evening to celebrate your continued dedication for community “United for Love and Action” at the Pledgers Party starting at 7:00 PM in Channing Hall.

I want to take the opportunity to thank the 2024 Stewardship Team for volunteering their time every week to strategize together on how to reach out to each one of you either in person on Sundays or with a phone call in the evenings. Your 2024 Stewardship Team had two co-leads: Johanna DeYoung and Earl Dredge. They handled the administrative task load of running the meetings and keeping us all focused. Carolyn Cleary, Patrick Kirwan, and Joe Lach were also instrumental every Sunday collecting pledge cards and addressing any questions and handing out tote bags, cookies or ice cream. Collectively, this team worked together to prepare over 300 mailing envelopes and made over 200 phone calls to members and friends. Our stewardship campaign marketing could not be successful without the graphic artwork from Bunny Carlson who worked with Joe Lach and the team’s selected theme. I also want to thank Rev. Colin and Rev. Scott in advance for calling the remaining members and friends to remind them about pledging for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year.

As I mention the new Fiscal Year, you all should be proud of the programs, events, and projects that you have completed over the past year. The 2024 Annual Report is close to completion and will be available at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 2, 2024. Be sure to attend and participate in the discussion and voting. This date will also coincide with the Flower Communion and New Member Ceremony. More information and details are available in this newsletter, future emails, website, and social media accounts.

See you soon!

Margarita Arevalo