News – May 10, 2024

Cover May 12, 2024
Dear Members and Friends,

I don’t think most folks realize how far ahead the worship team plans at the church. Besides a lot of meetings, phone calls, and the answering of email, we talk about the upcoming year. We carefully prepare to give you the services and programs you tell us you would like and that we believe would expand our vision and mission. Rev. Colin and I have been noodling over the themes and topics for next year for several months. We are arranging the preaching schedule for this summer and beyond.

There’s an old Yiddish proverb: “We plan, God laughs.” I have hoped since I came here that I would be able to stay until my retirement. That is still my plan.

This is where I hear God chuckling: Conrad and I had planned for him to move to Houston not long after I arrived here, about four and a half years ago. A global pandemic and unexpected circumstances with our parents have thwarted our plans.

Some of you on social media saw the wonderful vacation he and I took recently. It helped make clear to us how difficult it has been to live apart. While I still plan to remain as your Associate Minister until I retire in two years, I will be moving to half-time in order to spend more time in Dallas with my husband.

While many of the details are still being worked out, I will be here 22 weeks each year. My focus will remain on Pastoral Care, while less of my attention will be devoted to Community Projects and Social Justice. Also, many of my administrative duties will be shifted to others.

I’m grateful to Rev. Colin for thinking of a way for me to still serve the congregation I love while being able to spend more time with Conrad. I look forward to the next two years, dividing my time between Houston, Dallas, and I-45. I’m excited to continue to join with you to do great things for the congregation and our community.

Much love,

Rev. D. Scott Cooper
Associate Minister
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston