News – March 25, 2022

Dear Members and friends,
First UU Needs You

These are exciting times at First UU Church.  After a difficult period of dealing with the pandemic and with the departure of the Thoreau campus, it is time for First UU to focus on the future.  It is the perfect time to help shape the future of our church by serving on the Board or the Nominating Committee. We have a new set of Principles of Governance that allow the Board to spend their time on developing a vision and a strategy for moving forward rather than solving operational issues.  It is an incredible opportunity for personal growth and growing your relationships within First UU. 

Hear what other serving Members have to say about their experiences:

"When you are a Board Member, you deal with FUUCH not only in the present as a slice of time/circumstance, you are actually affecting its future. Decisions made today have lasting effects and consequences." — Connie

"The benefits of being an FUUCH Board Director are being intimately involved with what's happening at FUUCH. Working with fellow Board Directors is a wonderful privilege and opportunity to better know fellow members of FUUCH. The responsibility is being one of the decision makers. You directly affect the future of Our Beloved Community."
— Johanna

"I find that being a board member is fascinating. You get a front seat view of what/how/when/why this church community operates and survives. You will definitely learn intimately some process, work flow and/or decision criteria that you never knew existed and now have an appreciation for. And, in my opinion, more importantly, you get to know fellow church community members so much better, and that enriches your life." — Michael

"I have made new friends, deepened relationships, and I have gained a greater appreciation of the role FUUCH plays in Houston and in the UUA—and through the UUA, in the world. It’s a good feeling. At a time when it has been difficult to maintain connections and easy to feel overwhelmed by all that needs our care, serving on the board has been a powerful reminder that the FUUCH community is still strong, still loving, and still working to make the world a better place." — Ruth

"Serving on the Board has given me the opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the beloved community which has been and continues to be essential to my personal well-being.  This has particularly been true during the last two years when the pandemic restricted many other avenues of connection.' — Ron

"You have a great opportunity to work with our senior minister and make recommendations to him. You are also making sure that the church is running smoothly in being a part of the governance process. You will review governance policies and suggest changes that can improve the process. I think you will find it to be very rewarding." — Earl

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for either the Board or the Nominating Committee or just want more information, please email the Nominating Committee at  Keep in mind that the Board is a three year commitment and the Nominating Committee is a two year commitment.  Board Members must prepare and attend the monthly board meeting as well as actively participate in various projects and assignments throughout the year.

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