News – February 18, 2022

Dear First UU Community,

During these pandemic times, we have faced many difficulties from isolation, emotional exhaustion, illness in our families and for some, terrible loss. Throughout these times, we have had this beloved, caring community in First UU Church, calling to see how we are faring, offering connections with recorded and livestreamed worship services, and an extended community with our various zoom meetings and workshops.

Our Adult Programs workshops & groups have been enjoyed by many of you and provide a wide variety of experiences covering many topics. If you have not joined an adult small group, we encourage you to try one soon. If you are relatively new to the church, these provide a wonderful way to get much more connected to other members and an opportunity for personal growth too. Most of our groups are meeting online, but some have moved back to meeting in person or have a multi-platform/hybrid option. It is likely more and more will be meeting in person over the next months. For all our groups, you can contact to learn more. If you wish to get our online newsletter, where you will get all the details on each week's services, activities and events, click HERE. For a little more info our adult groups, click HERE.

Perhaps you would benefit from a regular meditation each Sunday morning, ritual that gets you to return to regular practice or learn how for the first time. Maybe you long for a good discussion about a relevant topic? Our weekly Discussion Circles on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings explore a huge range of topics from “Where are we now with the Civil Rights Movement and Racism in our Country?” (Feb 20) to “What does poetry mean to you? How does it affect you?” (Feb 27) “How does what you eat affect your mind?” (Mar 6)

We have two women’s groups, the Houston Women’s Group (HWG) and the UU Changing Women. Started in the late 1970s, the HWG is a caring community and feminist group that regularly features wonderful speakers with a focus on women empowerment.  The UU Changing Women is a supportive group of diverse women who meet to share and follow earth-centered traditions.

Our Early Morning Book Group reads non-fiction on a wide variety of topics and meets to discuss. And Rev. Colin hosts another book group discussion called “What is Unitarian Universalism?”

If you identify as a black, indigenous or a person of color, you are invited to our BIPOC group. Currently on a short hiatus, but not only will our leaders be happy to bring you into the group, they will also be back meeting with a special project soon.

Spiritual Growth Group (Grupo de Crecimiento Espiritual [GCE]) is a new group where Spanish-speakers share their life experiences on the path to Unitarian Universalism. Meeting once a month in-person and online, new friendships develop as participants support one another and  knowledge and experiences towards spiritual growth are shared. Let Alma know if you would like to join the GCE at

If you love getting your hands in the dirt and planting seeds or want to learn more about gardening in the Gulf Coast, you can join our Garden Team. Caring for our herb/flower/vegetable garden at the main entrance of the church is one of this team's priorities as well as carrying out composting efforts for the church.

We have a Creativity Group – whether you are creative with words or art, you are welcome to explore this part of yourself with guidance and support. A great way to set aside time to nurture your creative flow.

If you love music and either play or want to play a stringed instrument, consider joining our String Band. Playing occasionally for worship, meeting to sing and playing together just for fun is what we do. We can teach you how to play ukulele! Meets some Sunday mornings and once a month in the evening. And there’s the choir too, if you love to sing. No experience is necessary.

If you are a parent of a young child, our Parent’s Group is a wonderfully nurturing, supportive group that helps you live out your values in your home and find guidance for difficult parenting moments or issues.

Being involved with these groups makes good use of a little bit of time — maybe just an hour a week. These loving groups can help us feel more fulfilled and closer to our values. They can help us find friendships and to grow personally and spiritually. Please let us get you connected to one this Spring. Write and let us know which group(s) you would like to explore.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Carol Burrus,

Director of Religious Community
Where are the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston Ministers

Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen will be in the pulpit this Sunday, February 20th, and on February 27th. Dr. Bossen will also be attending the Board retreat on February 19th.

On February 18, Rev. D. Scott Cooper and Conrad will be attending a film screening and benefit for the Abilene Pride Alliance and Big Country AIDS Resources in west Texas.