News – February 10, 2023

Dear Members and Friends,

I love what’s happening at church! Which, I suppose is appropriate on the cusp of Valentine’s Day.

Back during the pandemic, Dr. Bossen and I were preaching to a TV camera, and meeting with Brady-Bunch-boxed Zoom participants. Back then, we could only dream of a far-off time when lots of folks came in-person to one of two services, but watching online was still an option. And visitors who learn about us online, then come to join us in person! Or when there would be so many activities at church it would be difficult to schedule them without overlapping time slots.

But that seems to be where we are! Read the newsletter each week, check the plasma screens at church, and look in the Order of Service to discover all the great things going on!

I hope you’ve experienced the last few worship services. Rev. Beth Dana, from Dallas, gave a wonderful sermon this last week, and Kaci Timmons led the singing and knocked our socks off with a wonderful rendition of “He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands.” The week before Narissa Bond impressed with her singing, guitar playing, and songwriting skills.

On Sunday, not only will the choir be singing, the young folks will be sharing a poem. My sermon kicks off the theme of “Knots and Burls.” When the lower branches of a growing tree die, the base continues to become enclosed by layers of tree trunk, and this forms knots. This is considered an imperfection, just as when the grain of the tree grows in a contorted manner and becomes a burl.

But these imperfections are sought out by wood carvers for their exceptional beauty. They turn the wood into pens or make jewelry boxes to give as one-of-a-kind gifts. Just as our uniqueness and “imperfections” create our singular beauty, they help to provide the distinctive gifts we are able to give to the world.

Unfortunately, we have to remind everyone of this periodically. If you ever get an email supposedly from one of the ministers or staff, and it looks suspicious, forward it to Do not reply, instead forward it to the person it claims to be from by typing in the email address yourself. You’ll know right away it’s not from us if it asks you to reply immediately, or they ask you to send money or gift cards! Also, if an email says not to call because the sender cannot be disturbed, that’s a surefire sign that it might not be legitimate! When in doubt, contact the office.

Have a blessed week, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Rev. D. Scott Cooper
Assistant Minister of Congregational Life
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston