News – November 19, 2021

Feeding the Community at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston -- 000

Dear Members and Friends:

One of the things I love about church is how it makes living into my values both easier and more enjoyable. Easier… because the church has said “show up at this place and time to do this thing” and I didn’t have to figure out what to do or plan it. If I just show up, I will be able to do something that makes me feel good, like help repair a house, plant trees, support marches for climate change or women’s rights, or in the case of this Sunday, I get to show up with a bag full of canned goods and help my neighbors be fed. And it is more enjoyable… because my bag of goods is put together with lots of other people’s bags and what we are giving is significant! And I do this together with people who are part of my community and together feels good.

I invite you to “show up at this place and time and do this thing”
Place:       First UU church
Time:       This Sunday at 9:30 am or 11:30 am
Do This:   Bring a bag of canned goods, or two

(Click HERE to find out which items the EAC needs the most.)

This Sunday, we are having a Multi-Generational Service. Children will be in the service with us as we enjoy worship together with all generations. Please note we will not have RE groups, but nursery care will be available.

We hope to see more children ages 5-12 join us for Religious Education and church on Sunday mornings as they get vaccinated and parents feel more comfortable. In 2022, we will be having the Big Idea during church service AND more learning opportunities. In January, we will be offering Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education (OWL) for 7th-9th grades. OWL for 4th-6th grade will start in March. We are very proud of our comprehensive, age-appropriate, sexuality education program and glad we can resume our regular OWL schedule.

There are also more opportunities for adults in 2022! Some groups will be meeting in-person, while some may decide to only continue meeting online. Take a look at our adult program offerings and find engaging ways for spiritual growth.

I also hope you reach out to me and let me help you get connected with this wonderful community!

See you on Sunday!



Carol Burrus
Director of Religious Community


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