Calendar of Events & Holidays

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Week of Aug 14th

  • Changing Women

    Changing Women

    August 14, 2022

    Changing Women is a women's wisdom circle and Earth-based spirituality discussion group currently meeting online. Contact for more information.

    Early Morning Book Group

    Early Morning Book Group

    August 14, 2022

    A weekly sharing of perspectives gained from reading 60 pages of a non-fiction book. Contact for more information.

    Mindful Meditation Group

    Mindful Meditation Group

    August 14, 2022

    Join the Mindful Meditation Group for music, brief recorded talks, and guided mindfulness meditations from a variety of teachers and leaders. Contact for more information.

    Discussion Circle

    Discussion Circle

    August 14, 2022

    Join the Discussion Circle for facilitated, educational discussions on a variety of topics where everyone follows group guidelines to create a safe, friendly environment. This group meets in a hybrid format, online and in-person together. Contact for more information.

    The Negro Spiritual as Solace & Social Justice: A Seminar and Workshop

    The Negro Spiritual as Solace & Social Justice: A Seminar and Workshop

    August 14, 2022

    Commonly, American Negro Spirituals are thought of as beautiful songs wherein the enslaved sang about the pain of their social conditions and assuaged their sorrows. In fact, this description is only partially true. Their are approximately 6000 known songs from this body of repertoire and many of them, through coded, and sometimes straightforward texts, express the enslaved person’s understanding of the unfairness of his plight and his judgement of the slaveholders.

    Through curated examples, audience participation, and demonstration, Dr. Jason Oby will explain how, with coded messaging and profound poetic poetry, the enslaved fought for social justice.

    We invite you to join us here at First Church for this transformative music-focused workshop after the second service on Sunday, August 14th. Please contact for more information, and visit this link to register.

  • Wednesday Discussion Group

    Wednesday Discussion Group

    August 17, 2022

    All are welcome to join us by Zoom for facilitated, fun, educational discussions on a variety of cultural, political, and popular topics. Contact for more information.

  • El Grupo de Crecimiento Espiritual

    El Grupo de Crecimiento Espiritual

    August 18, 2022

    Hacemos una cordial invitación a todas las personas que deseen participar para que nos acompañen a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor tomar nota que estaremos conversando y participando en español. Mantendremos el distanciamiento social recomendado y se requerirá el uso de cubrebocas.