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May 14, 2023

Blood Drive at First UU Church of Houston

Blood Drive at First UU Church of Houston

May 14, 2023

The Blood Center will continue the following measures to assure the safety of both our donors and the bloodmobile staff:

  • Mobile coach drives are limited to 2 appointments every 15 minutes.
  • Mobile coach drives are scheduled for 4.5 hours to accommodate the appointment system.
  • Donors are asked to make donation appointments to promote distancing.
  • Blood Center staff is sanitizing every screening booth and bed in between donors.
  • Stress balls given to donors during donation are now single-use to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Blood Center staff have their temperatures taken prior to launching from our office.
  • Blood Center staff wear face masks during the duration of the blood drive.
  • Donors must also wear face masks. If they do not have one, the Blood Center will provide one.

Donors as usual will receive free snacks and drinks for replenishment of their energy after their donations.  For this campaign all successful donors will receive a Free T-Shirt to encourage blood donations.

Per usual the Houston area continues to experience a critical shortage of blood.   Blood donations have declined drastically since COVID-19 because the Blood Center had limited ability to partner with most of its “old faithfuls”, namely high schools, colleges and companies.  The Blood Center focuses on groups like these because it can serve a large number of donors in a short amount of time. In the fall schools usually account for 46% of donations, but this source continues to be reduced due to COVID-19 concerns.  And blood drives still are recovering at many companies due to the work at home trend that accelerated with COVID.  Bottom line is that the Blood Center needs our blood drive now.

Do you want to join us?  You can donate if it has been 2 months since your last blood donation (January 29, 2023 was our last blood drive) and if you meet the Blood Center’s other requirements.  Please confirm by return e-mail to me that you will donate so I can monitor our signups.

Many thanks once again for your generosity.

Best wishes for your good health.