Board Nominees

2024 Board Nominees


Patrick Kirwan has been a member of the congregation since 2018. He has served on the Welcome Team since 2019, and this year joined the Stewardship Committee. Patrick first became acquainted with Unitarian Universalism during the fight for marriage equality in New Jersey. He and his partner, now husband, Robert, attended many meetings and events at their local Unitarian Universalist church.

Patrick recently retired from Lincoln Financial Group. During his 40-plus years in IT, technology changed and Patrick adeptly changed with it, from punch cards to smart phones, from computer rooms to work-from-home. Patrick is eager to bring his commitment to excellence to the Board of Directors, building on his successful career.

Eileen is originally from Memphis and has lived in Miami and New Orleans as well. She moved to Houston in 1990. Eileen initially visited First Unitarian Universalist Church a few years after her son, Douglas, was born in 1993, when she sought a place to assist her in giving him a religious education. She did not want to return to the religion of her youth and church “shopped” until she found First Church, where open-minded thinking and searching for truth and meaning thrives in a culture of deeds not creeds.
Although she originally came for her son, Eileen has benefitted from many years of learning and spiritual growth in the beloved community of First Church. This congregation greatly influences her thinking and socially responsible behavior.
Eileen has served on many groups at First Church, including Religious Education, Personnel, Chalice Society, Stewardship, Capital Campaign, and Greeters. She has not yet served on the Board of Directors, and looks forward to serving the important work of First Church.
Joan moved to Texas when she was 12 years old. Her family lived in Bunker Hill, which at the time was a place filled with small ranches and, compared to today, modest homes. She graduated from Spring Branch High School in 1960 and received a BSEE degree from the University of Houston in 1969. She spent most of her working years in the Dallas area, employed by various local electronics firms. After retiring from the engineering firms, she went back to school to obtain an EMT certificate. She then worked for the Hilltop Lakes Volunteer Fire Department for 6 years as an EMT. She has two daughters and four grandchildren, all of whom live out of state.
Joan moved to Houston in 2009 and joined First Unitarian Universalist Church shortly thereafter. She was on the Care Team as well as the Welcome Team, and also worked on various rebuilding projects, such as the Yates Museum and Rebuilding Houston Together.

In 2019, Joan was elected to the Board of Directors at First Church and served a three-year term. She looks forward to serving again on the Board, and helping build a church that can meet the present challenges and help position itself for the future.