October 31, 2021

Changing Women

Changing Women

9:00 am 10:00 am
October 31, 2021

Changing Women is a women's wisdom circle and Earth-based spirituality discussion group currently meeting online. Contact programs@firstuu.org for more information.

Early Morning Book Group

Early Morning Book Group

9:00 am 10:00 am
October 31, 2021

A weekly sharing of perspectives gained from reading 60 pages of a non-fiction book. Contact programs@firstuu.org for more information.

Mindful Meditation Group

Mindful Meditation Group

9:00 am 9:45 am
October 31, 2021

Join the Mindful Meditation Group for music, brief recorded talks, and guided mindfulness meditations from a variety of teachers and leaders. Contact programs@firstuu.org for more information.

Religious Education for Children

Religious Education for Children

9:30 am 10:30 am
October 31, 2021

For ages 4-11 years, with storytelling, games, songs, art, and more as we explore our UU values and how we express them in the world. Please contact carol@firstuu.org for advanced registration information.

Religious Education for Children

Religious Education for Children

9:30 am 10:30 am
October 31, 2021

For ages 4-11 years, with storytelling, games, songs, art, and more as we explore our UU values and how we express them in the world. Today, to celebrate the holiday, we will also be carving pumpkins at the church!

Please contact carol@firstuu.org for advanced registration information.

Discussion Circle

Discussion Circle

10:15 am 11:15 am
October 31, 2021

Join the Discussion Circle for facilitated, educational discussions on a variety of topics where everyone follows group guidelines to create a safe, friendly environment. This group meets in a hybrid format, online and in-person together. Contact programs@firstuu.org for more information.

RE for Teens - High School

RE for Teens - High School

11:30 am 12:30 pm
October 31, 2021

Teens in High School meet online on 1st and 3rd Sundays, and outdoors in-person at the church on 2nd and 4th Sundays, to talk about exploring different spiritual practices and other topics of interest. Contact carol@firstuu.org for more information.

RE for Teens - Middle School

RE for Teens - Middle School

11:30 am 12:30 pm
October 31, 2021

The YoUUth Unit meets online on 1st and 3rd Sundays, and outdoors in-person at the church on 2nd and 4th Sundays, for games, discussion, exploring values and the sometimes difficult issues of teen life. Contact carol@firstuu.org for more information.

Religious Education for Children

Religious Education for Children

11:30 am 12:30 pm
October 31, 2021

For ages 4-11 years, with storytelling, games, songs, art, and more as we explore our UU values and how we express them in the world. Please contact carol@firstuu.org for advanced registration information.

Religious Education for Children

Religious Education for Children

11:30 am 12:30 pm
October 31, 2021

For ages 4-11 years, with storytelling, games, songs, art, and more as we explore our UU values and how we express them in the world. Today, to celebrate the holiday, we will also be carving pumpkins at the church!

Please contact carol@firstuu.org for advanced registration information.

Parents as Sexuality Educators - Training Session

Parents as Sexuality Educators - Training Session

1:30 pm 3:00 pm
October 31, 2021

Parents are often unprepared for their role as primary sexuality educators, and we've got ways to help! We know not only that children and youth make better decisions when they can communicate with a parent about their sexuality, but also that the sooner the lines of communication about sexuality are open, the easier and smoother they can be when the topics are trickier.

Trained OWL facilitator Sara Brown, along with other trained volunteers from our First UU OWL teams, will be hosting an 8-week 1-hr Sunday afternoon workshop for parents that covers much of the following: hopes and concerns for children & youth's sexual health, communication,  gender identity, exploring emotions around gender, supporting discovery of sexual orientation, guiding relationships with wisdom, being a trusted source for sexual health, decision making,  consent, building healthy boundaries, social media, and pornography. At least 8 of these topics will be covered, as the choices of how to spend time will be guided by the parents in the group.

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