Future Visions, Future Selves

future visions future selves

Religion has long helped people envision the future. The 2024-2025 program year will be one in which the congregation is oriented both its and its members future. Over the course of the year there will be a pivotal national election, the adoption of a congregational strategic plan, and a possible vote to elect a settled minister. Throughout the series questions about how the climate crisis, the global rise of right-wing populism and white supremacy, and escalating inequality will shape the coming years will form a backdrop. As we grapple with them, we will aspire to deepen the spiritual life of our community, and the spiritual lives of our members and friends, by offering a program devoted to exploring three aspects of the future–societal, personal, and planetary–from a variety of religious perspectives. The program will have three elements: worship, study, and reflection.

In worship we will devote at least one Sunday a month to some aspect of the future. We will ask questions like: What does the future hold? How might we prepare for it?

Through study and reflection, we will provide the opportunity for our members and friends to go deeper. The minister’s book group will meet twice a month and focus on a text that helps us to think about the future. Five times over the course of the year we will hold a workshop with a religious leader, scholar or community practitioner that challenges us to consider some aspect of the future. Look for information about the workshops throughout the course of the year.

Check our our 2024-2025 program book, where all of the dates below can be seen PLUS other programs that the church offers.



Introduction to
Future Visions, Future Selves

The Dawn of Everything: Reimagining the Past to Reimagine the Future



Sunday, September 15th
Introduction to Future Visions, Future Selves

Sunday, September 22nd

“Future Visions, Future Selves” starts with a sermon on September 15th to launch the program. This is followed by a sermon on September 22nd inspired by David Graeber and David Wengrow’s book The Dawn of Everything in which we will explore the nature of freedom and human possibility.

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, August 27th, 7:00 PM
                   September 10th, 7:00 PM
                   September 24th, 7:00 PM

Book to Read:

David Graeber and David Wengrow,
The Dawn of Everything

October Programs

The Next Revolution

Sunday, October 13th

Is society on the cusp of a “Great Turning,” as Joanna Macy has claimed? How do we prepare ourselves for a great moral awakening and spiritual revolution? What is the nature of revolution? Since it is a political season, we’ll focus on this question from a political perspective and take adrienne maree brown as our guide.

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, October 8th, 7:00 PM
                   October 22nd 7:00 PM

Book to Read
adrienne maree brown
Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds

November Programs

A New World in Our Hearts:
Reimagining Democracy



Sunday, November 10th

Whoever wins the 2024 presidential election, the country and the world will remain at a crucial turning point. New technology, rising inequality, the climate crisis will continue to shape what ita means to practice democracy. We’ll focus the month on imagining a more participatory democracy.

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, October 29th, 7:00 PM
                   November 12th, 7:00 PM

Books to Read

John Clark,
Between Earth and Empire: From the Necrocene to the Beloved Community

December Programs

Rebirths and Restitutions:
Healing Religious Trauma



Sunday, December 15th
During the winter holiday season we will focus on an issue that impacts many people in our community: religious trauma. For those that wrestle with it, working to heal from it, in a congregation like ours, can be a way to prepare for a more wholistic spiritual future.

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, December 3rd, 7:00 PM
                   December 17th, 7:00 PM

Books to Read:

Laura Anderson,
When Religion Hurts You: Healing from Religious Trauma and the Impact of High-Control Religion

January Programs




Sunday, January 12th
“Religion is the human response to being alive and having to die,” wrote Unitarian Universalist theologian Forrest Church. And so, we will start 2025 with a focus on that most religious of topics: death.

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, January 14th, 7:00 PM
                  January 28th, 7:00 PM

Book to Read:

Elizabeth Alexander,
The Light of the World

February Programs

Life After Death



Sunday, February 2nd
What comes after death? Does some part of us continue after we have shed our mortal coils? Religious communities have helped people to wrestle with questions like these since the dawn of human history.

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, February 11th, 7:00 PM
                   February 25th, 7:00 PM

Books to Read:

Danez Smith,
Don't Call Us Dead

March Programs

The River is Our Bond:
Mary Brave Bird

Sicangu Lakota writer and activist



Sunday, March 2nd

Does humanity’s future lie amongst the stars? Or shall we remain forever terrestrial bound? What will happen to how we conceive of our selves and our species if we ever become interplanetary?

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, March 4th, 7:00 PM
                   March 18th, 7:00 PM

Books to Read

Octavia Butler
Parable of the Sower

April Programs

Climate Futures



Sunday, April 13th

For Earth month we will explore the questions: What do we owe future generations? How will our actions impact the future of the planet? What if future generations had the same rights as those now living?

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, April 15th, 7:00 PM
                   April 29th, 7:00 PM

Books to Read:

Kim Stanley Robinson,
The Ministry for the Future

May Programs

Ghosts in the Machine



Sunday, May 18th

Artificial intelligence has the potential to change human society. How will it change religious communities? Will it impact how we understand the nature of humanity? Of God? Of being itself?

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, May 6th, 7:00 PM
                   May 20th, 7:00 PM

Books to Read:
Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan,
AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

June Programs

New Ways of Being



Sunday, June 15th

We close the year’s programs with reflections on the future of religion. What does it hold? How will it impact our community?

Minister's Book Group:
Tuesdays, June 3rd, 7:00 PM
                   June 17th, 7:00 PM

Books to Read:

Roberto Mangabeira Unger,
The Religion of the Future

Past Programs:

Lives of the Spirit

Each month, we discussed the spiritual biography of a different religious leader; covenant groups provided an opportunity to reflect on the significance of their lives; a book group engaged one of the leader’s seminal works; then a lecture or workshop brought a specialist on the individual to engage and enlighten us.